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Cloud study
Updated Dec 25, 2014 by jht5...@gmail.com

OpenStack http://www.openstack.org/ OpenStack OpenStack is a global collaboration of developers and cloud computing technologists producing the ubiquitous open source cloud computing platform for public and private clouds.
CloudStack http://cloudstack.apache.org/ Apache CloudStack is open source software designed to deploy and manage large networks of virtual machines, as a highly available, highly scalable Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) cloud computing platform.
XenServer http://www.citrix.com/products/xenserver/overview.html Citrix XenServer is an industry and value leading open source virtualization platform for managing cloud, server and desktop virtual infrastructures.

WSO2 Stratos http://wso2.com/cloud/stratos WSO2 Stratos is the most complete, enterprise-grade cloud solution. Offering an open Platform as a Service (PaaS), it supports more core services than any other available PaaS today.
Cloud Foundry http://www.cloudfoundry.com/ The open platform as a service providing a faster and easier way to build, test, deploy and scale applications.

OpenShift - https://www.openshift.com/

Docker - http://www.docker.com/

  • EC2
  • S3
  • App Engine

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